Sharon Cheney's Oil Paintings


Sharon Cheney's oil paintings reflect her love of nature and her world wide travels. The colors in the photographs may not be a true representation due to photographic limitations.


Each painting is an original, signed oil. The exclusive rights to all paintings and designs belong to Sharon Cheney and may not be reproduced in any manner or form without her written consent.


 Prices have been reduced 30% so take advantage and BUY Now!


All prices are in U.S. dollars, and do not include shipping, handling, or insurance. Sharon Cheney cannot be held responsible for damages or losses incurred during the shipping process.












Amerillo in Bloom  SOLD

Size: 24" w x 18" h Unframed












Babbling Brook, Ontario  Sold
Size: 20" w x 16" h

Frame:gold with linen mat


Birch Forest, Ontario  $275.00

Size: 24" w x 12" h

Frame: gold painted wood with linen mat




















Bouquet of Flowers $275.00

Size: 18 " w x 24" h
















Color Storm  $250.00
Size: 20" w x 16" h

Frame: grey wood with white wood mat













Dancing Flames  $300.00
Size: 30" w x 24" h














Far North, Ontario  $350.00
Size: 28" w x 22" h

Frame: gold painted wood with linen mat













Glowing Hills, Van Kleek Hills, Ontario  $250.00
Size: 18" w x 14" h

Frame: gold painted wood with linen mat




















Irises In Bloom, Van Kleek, Ontario   $275.00
Size: 18" w x 14" h













Japanese Bridge, Narita, Japan  $325.00
Size: 24 " w x 18" h

Frame: red wood frame with cream linen mat














Lazy Afternoon  $300.00
Size: 20" w x16 " h

Frame: pewter color wood with cream linen mat

















Maria  $295.00
Size: 30" w x 36" h

Frame: antique gold wood












Red Rocks  Sold

Size: 16" w x12: H




Rushing River, Ontario  $275.00

Size: 24" w x 12" h

Frame: gold painted wood with linen mat












Shady Lane, Quebec  $125.00

Size: 16" w x 12" h

Frame: brown wood













Shimmering Mountain, Guillen, China   $350.00
Size: 24" w x 18" h

Frame: gold painted wood with linen mat














Spring Thaw, Rouge River, Ontario  $325.00

Size: 24" w x 12" h

Frame: gold painted wood with linen mat





















Star Burst  $300.00

Size: 30" w x 40" h














Still Life with Fruit  $250.00

Size: 20" w x 16" h

Frame: gold painted wood with linen mat













Sunny Meadow,  Quebec  $125.00
Size: 16" w x 12" h

Frame: gold painted wood














Sunset at the Lake, Ontario  $295.00
Size: 20" w x 16" h

Frame: gold painted wood with linen mat












The Sails, Sydney, Australia  $300.00
Size: 40" w x 30" h

Frame: black shadow box












Underwater Corals, Barrier Reef, Australia  $350.00

Size: 40" w x 30" h

Frame: silver and black shadow box




Wind Song, Guilen, China   Sold

Size: 40" w x 30" h


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