September 2015 Knowledge Newsletter


Dear Friends,                                                                       We are quickly transitioning into higher consciousness beings. If you are wondering how you can recognize this shift, it is by noticing an increase in your sensitivities and intuitive abilities, a change in your perception, an ability to recall past lives and recognize who you are on a soul level, an increased interest in why you are here and how you can fulfill your life purpose, an ability to love unconditionally and trust in your ability to manifest your desires.


Higher Consciousness  

A shift to higher consciousness occurs gradually over time. To prove to yourself that this transition is really taking place, look back at your life over the past few years and see if you notice any of the above. These changes may not be reflected in your outer circumstances. You may still be at the same job, have the same relationship or live in the same place. What will shift is how you feel inside and how your perception of life and others has changed. You will feel different inside and your friends and interests may also be different.


In our culture, we tend to measure progress by outward changes like moving to a bigger house, having more money, a better job or a new relationship. While these things are important, the less obvious inner changes are the ones that will bring the most reward in the long run. You will feel better about yourself and will treat yourself and others differently. You will come to recognize that you are a powerful being that can accomplish whatever you want.


If you are wondering if there is anything you can do to speed up your shift in consciousness, the answer is yes. You can become more loving and forgiving towards yourself and others because love and forgiveness are signs of higher consciousness. Spending an hour a day in prayer or meditation is helpful in shifting consciousness. Even if you don’t know how to meditate, just thinking positive thoughts or wishing others well, directs your consciousness to a better place.


Always speak kindly about others, even if they have done things you do not like or have treated you poorly. It is important to have compassion for their lack of understanding and their inability to love. Focusing on their positive aspects rather than their faults is a positive thing to do and will prevent your creating karma. 


To advance in consciousness, you must avoid such behaviors as dishonesty, manipulation, aggression, criticism, judgment and control of others, jealousy, anger, prejudice or abuse or any kind as these are not indications of love. Practice of any of these behaviors indicates you are not loving, no matter how much you would like to believe you are or how many times a day you say “I love you” to someone.


You will know you have reached higher consciousness when you no longer have such feelings or treat people in such a manner. There will be more of a tendency for self-examination of your own behavior rather than automatically making it someone else’s fault. You will stop living on auto-pilot because it is easier than making a new decision or taking the time to look within. You will stop justifying your actions and strive to be more unconditional loving and accepting of yourself and others.


With increased consciousness we become aware that we do not live in a vacuum. Everything we think, say and do impacts others energetically whether they are aware of this or not. Failure to verbalize our negative thoughts does not impact others any less. In addition, with increased psychic abilities more people are becoming telepathic so our thoughts may not be as private as we think.


To demonstrate your love, give lots of compliments and acknowledgement to others, even those you dislike. This will not only reflect who you are but will break down relationship barriers as everyone likes to be acknowledged. In addition, what we give out comes back to us in multiples so we will receive love in return, whether it comes from that person or someone else.


A shift to higher consciousness requires that we think with our hearts as love does not come from our minds. To act from love, we must keep checking our motivations constantly and consider how our actions will impact others. Higher consciousness requires we give up old beliefs because they no longer serve us or are fear based. It is also knowing that we are supported in everything we do all the time.  


Most of us are unfamiliar with unconditional love because we never experienced it. The way to master unconditional love is to love and accept ourselves completely first. There are no barriers to loving and accepting ourselves except the ones we impose like blaming it on a lack of time, money, responsibilities or work. For most people learning to love themselves is more difficult than loving others. If you can master self-love then loving others will be easy. Remember change starts from within and radiates outward like a ripple in a pond.


If you having difficulty to understand or cope with the shifts in your life,  please feel free to contact me. I am available for personal, telephone or readings over skype, relationship coaching, regressions, and healing at any time either by clicking on or calling me at 505 474-6363 or 514 312 - 2451.


Check out my new website If you would like to share this newsletter with friends here is the link - higher consciousness.  


Gift Certificates for readings and relationship help are available as gifts for birthdays, holidays or other special occasions. Often a reading, coaching session, regression, healing, a class or book can change a person’s life, so if you know of anyone who could use some guidance, this is both a practical and unique gift idea.


Home Parties and Classes I can now do home parties or teach the class of your choice personally or through Skype providing you can gather a group of 6 or more in your area. The classes I offer are listed under Class Descriptions on my website.


Online classes, Guided meditation CD's, Books  My classes, CD's and books Discover Your Psychic Abilities and Your Soul: The Roadmap to Your Life are available on my website  My latest book Love is the Answer will be available soon. It is being edited now.


For new subscribers, previous Knowledge Newsletters are now available on my website under Newsletter Archives. If you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter, please email me their name, email address and where they live and I will be happy to add them to my mailing list. 


May your life be filled with peace, love and abundance. Blessings to you all.


Sharon Cheney

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