August 2017 Knowledge Newsletter
Dear Friends,
Many people in the US and Canada were able to witness the full or partial solar eclipse that occurred August 21, 2017. The multiple eclipses occurring this month are more than just solar events; they are bringing in new energies that will advance our consciousness for years to come. These universal energies are available to anyone who wishes to take advantage of them in understanding their true nature and fulfilling their life purpose.
As these new energies bathe the Earth, old patterns of negativity and limitation will be pushed to the surface to be healed. They will accelerate our ability to transmute any difficulties we have created for ourselves out of fear. It will change our beliefs about limitation to realizing we can have all the love, abundance and peace we desire. From this time forward, our genetic codes will change. Our DNA is not fixed but changes with our emotions so it is very important to think positively.
In order to maximize the benefits these changes are bringing, we must bring these new energies into our hearts and daily experiences. If you are wondering how you can best become all that you can be, here are a few suggestions:
You must believe you are a powerful being who has the power to manifest your desires and create the life you desire instead of living in fear. You must realize that when you own your power and become a loving being, you contribute to changing the world. No matter what your role is, even if it does not bring you into the public eye, do not minimize the role you play or the effect your positive energy has on others. Many people are unaware that they are powerful souls who have come to assist in the great transformation taking place on this planet.
Now is the perfect time to pray for world peace and the well-being of all every day. It is time to give up what no longer serves you such as fear, a belief in limitation, past hurts, and an inability to forgive yourself and others. Consider what you feel is lacking in your life or preventing you from having what you want and then release those beliefs of limitation.
You must love and accept yourself and others unconditionally. You must be open to receiving in order to have the love, abundance and whatever else you desire. Think of what you would be willing to allow into your life such as the freedom to do what you really want instead of doing what you are told or what is expected of you. Imagine what it would be like to have nurturing supportive friends who are always there for you, to meet the love of your life, have peace of mind and so on.
Trust that you will be guided in what you have to do. We all have spirit helpers who are available 24/7 if only we would call upon them. Be honest about your intentions when interacting with others and make sure they are positive. Have clear goals for your future as manifesting is occurring more quickly. Figure out what you want or you may unconsciously manifest things you don’t want.
The energy from these eclipses is opening new possibilities and making it easier to learn about your true nature and the right direction for your life. Meditate daily and commune with your Higher Self to discover your soul plan, life purpose and how you can best fulfill it.
Say daily affirmations such as “I am an enlightened soul who is an expression of divine love”, “I have reverence for all life”, “I am one with all that exists”, “I am open to receiving all the abundance I need and want” and “I am the vessel through which love, peace acceptance flow to all in life”, and “I release all beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve my growth.”
Becoming who we truly are requires courage and a willingness to give up old relationships and behavior patterns that no longer serve us and say yes to new opportunities that to show up. In doing so, you will discover an inner strength to cope with life’s challenges and new abilities you didn’t know you possess. Why wait for life to challenge you? Set yourself a challenge of discovering all you can be today.
Becoming is an on-going process. It is a willingness to understand that we are much more than our ego identities. We are all powerful souls who have much to contribute to the advancement of consciousness and the well-being of all on this planet. We are the ones who will bring change to this planet by becoming our true Selves. Remember all change starts within and then manifests outwardly. I hope you will take advantage of the higher consciousness energy this solar eclipse has ushered in and will choose the path of personal expansion.
If you have difficulty knowing how to own your power to become all that you can be, please feel free to contact me. I am available for personal, telephone or readings over Skype, relationship coaching, regressions, and healing at any time by clicking on or calling me at 505 474-6363 or 514 312-2451. If you would like to share this newsletter with friends, click on this link
Gift Certificates for soul readings, mediumship and relationship help are available for birthdays, holidays or other special occasions. Often a reading, coaching session, regression, healing, a class or book can change a person's life, so if you know of anyone who could use some insight or guidance, this is both a practical and unique gift idea.
Home Parties and Classes of your choice are available personally or through Skype providing you can gather a group of 6 or more. The classes I offer are listed under Class Descriptions on my website.
Online classes, guided meditation CD's and my books Discover Your Psychic Abilities and Your Soul: The Roadmap to Your Life are available anytime on my website My latest book Love is the Answer is now available.
For new subscribers, previous Knowledge Newsletters are now available on my website under Newsletter Archives. If you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter, please email me their name, email address and where they live and I will be happy to add them to my mailing list.
May your life be filled with peace, love and abundance and showered with blessing throughout the year.
Sharon Cheney