April 2010 Knowledge Newsletter
Dear Friends, I want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter. It looks like spring is finally on the way. Since spring is traditionally the time for new beginnings why not try some of the suggestions below to express your love for yourself and others.
Expressing Love
Many of us say “I love you” to our loved ones but maybe that is not enough. They say actions speak louder than words so why not try some of the ideas below to demonstrate your love. These practices are guaranteed to brighten your life and that of others.
What You Can Do For Others
A lot of people are suffering these days in one way or another. Take the time to identify someone who is struggling and give them a call. Ask them what you can do to lessen their burden. Even if you cannot solve their problems, you can demonstrate your love by calling, listening and helping anyway you can. I am sure this would brighten their day.
Another suggestion is to make a commitment to tithe a small percent of what you make to the charity of your choice. It is not the amount that counts but your intention. Over time you will feel that you have done something to make the world a better place and decrease the suffering of others. Perhaps with time, you may even want to make more than a financial contribution.
Create a habit of keeping change in your pocket so that when you see a person who is homeless or in need, you always have something to give them. This will not only benefit them but will make you feel good as well.
Listen attentively when people speak as this not only helps improve communication but is a way of honoring the other person. This is especially import if people often say to you that you are not listening to them.
Say daily prayers for world peace, love, abundance, and good health not only for yourself and your loved ones but for the planet and all beings living on it.
Make a commitment to skip one meal in the next 24 hours and send the money you would have spent to a reputable organization dealing with world hunger. Help out in soup kitchens for the needy or homeless. Contribute food to food banks.
Volunteer as often as you can. Helping others builds what I like to call ‘karmic bonus points’ that can be redeemed for miracles at a later date. You wouldn’t want your bank account to be empty when you really need a miracle to happen, so start contributing today.
Be Loving to Yourself
Write down 10 things that are sacred to you. This will inspire you and remind you of your values, beliefs and the source of your joy.
Do something creative every day. The form of creativity does not matter. It can be creating a new recipe, rearranging your living space, doing art work, writing, dancing around the house, singing in the shower or whatever gives you joy. Creative efforts inspire us and create a time out where we don’t think about our problems. Who knows you may even discover new talents.
Make a commitment to a spiritual practice. If you are not currently committed to any spiritual discipline, then at least spend 10-15 minutes a day in meditation or solitude focusing on God or a higher power.
Always speak your truth. This will not only empower you but will change the energy between you and those you with whom you communicate. When we share something very personal from our hearts, it conveys to the other person that we trust them and can allow them into our inner circle.
To give yourself a boost, read a short passage from any of the world’s spiritual traditions or any works that you find inspiring. Focusing on the positive helps to deflect ourselves from negative thinking.
Do something nice for yourself each day. Find time in your busy day to honor yourself. You can read a book, take a bubble bath, sit quietly with no interruptions or do whatever works for best you.
Take time to smell the roses and enjoy nature. Being in nature has a calming effect so try to spend as much time as you can in peaceful natural settings.
Write down a minimum of 10 things you are grateful for in your life. This will remind you how blessed you are and prevent you thinking about what you don’t have.
Think positively because negative thoughts will only cause you to feel stressed and increase your level of fear.
Say an affirmation like “I trust everything will be okay” whenever you feel worried or stressed. This generic affirmation will not only make you feel calmer instantly but will help you create a new reality where things really feel okay.
Treat yourself to something nice every so often. Too often we put the needs of others in front of our own. Each of us deserves a treat once in a while.
Don’t ever go to bed angry. Try to resolve any issues that have arisen that day before your day ends. Anger tends to fester within us and can lead to longstanding emotional and physical problems.
Honor yourself and your needs. Listen to your heart and ask what your body needs right now. This will stop old repetitive habits and will help you live in the moment.
For those you don’t love themselves say a daily affirmation “I love and accept myself completely just the way I am.” This will help you develop a new relationship with yourself that is more positive and loving. Say this affirmation 100 times a day for a minimum of 4-6 weeks until there is no more inner resistance.
Meditate daily for at least 10 minutes per day as this is calming and has the wonderful side effect of lowering your blood pressure as well as providing insights.
Think of someone who has hurt or betrayed you and make a commitment to work on forgiving them. Imagine the person standing in front of you and you saying you forgive them.
All these suggestions will change your life and help you feel more positive and loving. I would be glad to assist you in creating a personalized program for you to follow. Please feel free to contact me any time. I am available for personal, telephone and Skype readings, empowerment coaching, regressions, and healing at any time either by clicking on www.sharoncheney.com or calling me at 505 474-6363 or 514 312-2451.
Home Parties and Classes
I can now do home parties or teach the class of your choice personally or through webcam technology providing you can gather a group of 6 or more in your area. The classes I offer are listed under
Class Descriptions on my website.
My online classes, guided meditation CD's, my books Discover Your Psychic Abilities, Your Soul: The Roadmap to Your Life and Meet Your Spirit Guides and Angels are available at any time by visiting my website at www.sharoncheney.com.
Gift Certificates are available for birthdays, holidays or other special occasions. Often a reading, coaching session, regression, healing, a class or book can change a person’s life, so if you know of anyone who could use some guidance, this is both a practical and unique gift idea.
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May your life be filled with peace, love, and abundance. Blessings to you all,
Sharon Cheney