May 2019 Knowledge Newsletter


Dear Friends,

Many people wonder “What is their life purpose?” They want to know
why they are here, and is there something more to life than waking up, eating, earning a living and going to sleep every day. They want to know what their purpose is so they can fulfill it, contribute to society and find personal fulfillment.


Finding Your Life Purpose


One of the ways to discover your life purpose is to notice what makes
you feel good, what makes your life worthwhile, what do you enjoy
doing the most or what do others say you are really good at doing?


These are great questions to consider because they force you to think
big and find meaning in your life rather than continue to waste time on meaningless activities like watching TV or spending hours on social


Try to imagine you are at the end of your life and are reflecting on what
you have accomplished, what you are grateful for, what you are proudest of, your greatest regrets and how others treated you and why. Ask
yourself “If you were you successful in communicating your feelings and love to others and if you felt loved in return?”


Doing this exercise may set you on a new course. Perhaps making a list of your accomplishments, regrets, and what you are grateful for, will helpyou recognize all the good things you have already accomplished and what needs changing.


Unfortunately, there is no course you can take to find your life purpose.
You will know you found it by the way you feel good inside and the appreciation you get from others. Fulfilling your life purpose is like being in service to others, your intent is more important than the form.


Everybody has a life purpose. It is one of the reasons you incarnate on earth. Fulfilling your life purpose allows you to share the wisdom, talents, abilities, and knowledge your soul has accumulated over many lifetimes. You incarnate as a soul with all the skills and knowledge you need to
fulfill your purpose.


Some people question if they have more than one life purpose. The
answer is usually no. Whether your purpose is to heal or help others, teach, create beauty in the world, there are countless ways you can express    that one purpose. For example, if your life purpose is to heal others, there are numerous ways you could do that. You could be a medical professional, a person who is always there for others, a
volunteer at hospice or other places, and so on. The list is endless.


You don’t have to work hard to fulfill your life purpose. It will come 
naturally to you. Once you find your life purpose, you will notice how
good it feels when you are fulfilling it. You must understand that finding your life purpose is not a guarantee you will live happily ever after. The choices you make in life and what you value will determine your
happiness. So if you are unhappy, perhaps some new choices are in


Your life purpose can be your day job or something you do on your free time. Once you discover the joy in fulfilling your life purpose, you may
want to make that your full time job.


If you have difficulty recognizing your life purpose, please feel free to contact me. I am available for personal, telephone or readings over
Skype, relationship coaching at any time by clicking on or calling me at 505 474-6363 or 514 312-2451.


Giving someone you care about my latest book Love is the Answer is
like giving them insight on how to love themselves and improve their relationships. My online classes, CD’s or other books can help them to learn about soul growth, expand their psychic abilities, communicate
with their pets and so much more. My online classes, guided meditation CD's are available on my website My books "Love is the Answer", “Your Soul: The Roadmap to Your Life” and “Discover Your Psychic Abilities" are available for sale on Amazon.


Gift Certificates We are experiencing a lot of change. A reading can
help someone deal with the changes in their lives as well as help them discover their life purpose and direction, learn about their future, their health, loved ones, relationships, finances, pets and soul evolution.
Prices can be adjusted to fit your budget.


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my website under Newsletter Archives. If you know anyone who would
like to receive this newsletter, please email me their name, email address and where they live and I will be happy to add them to my mailing list.


May your life be filled with peace, love and abundance and showered with blessing throughout the year.


Sharon Cheney    

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