October 2012 Knowledge Newsletter
Dear Friends, Many people ask me what is their life purpose. In response I often ask them what they like to do. They tell me they don’t like this or that but that they don’t really know what they like to do. Below are some ways to find your passion.
Finding Our Passion and Life Purpose
To begin let us define the term passion. A passion is something you feel strongly about such as doing something creative, a cause you believe in, a desire to help, to travel and so on. A passion is different from a craving for example, like food, alcohol or sex which is usually more temporary and can lean towards an obsession if not checked.
Unfortunately many people do not make a living fulfilling their passion. They have jobs that pay the bills but about which they do not feel passionate. The result is that they often go home feeling frustrated, unacknowledged and unfulfilled.
Some people just don’t follow their passion because they could not figure out a way to make a living from it. We do not always need to make our living from our passion. It is nice when it happens but one should not forgo their passion just because it is not profitable. The joy that comes from singing for example is still beneficial whether you are paid for it or anyone else hears you.
Some people may be wondering what if I don’t know what my passion is. How can I find out? You need to ask yourself “What do you like to do?” Pay attention when you do anything and notice whether you really enjoyed the activity or whether you were doing it because it was expected of you, everyone else was doing it and you did not want to be the odd man out or make a fuss, because it is what you have always done, etc.
Most of us are creatures of habit, it’s true but often habits do not serve us well. When we do things habitually we tend not to ask ourselves if we really enjoy doing that activity or task, could someone else do it perhaps better than we can, is it really necessary, could we stop doing it, how long have we been doing it, why did we start doing it in the first place, or was this activity expected of us by others or ourselves?
It might be wise to sit down and look at the activities and chores you do every day or each week and ask yourself the above questions for each one. You will likely discover that not all the things you do are really necessary and that maybe others can do them better than you can.
By eliminating some of these tasks you will find you have time to discover you’re your passion is or to follow it if you already know. Please do not make excuses to yourself by telling yourself that no one else could do what you do , would be willing to do your chores, do it as well as you can as these are just excuses to avoid change and make your life more fulfilling.
Try stop doing some of these tasks and see what happens. Someone else may step up to the plate and if they don’t maybe the task was not as necessary as you thought. If it really needs to be done and you don’t want to do it you can hire someone or do an exchange with someone who enjoys that task. You can just declare to your partner and family that you will no longer be doing it and see what happens. Most likely they will think you are having a bad day but if you don’t make dinner and they are hungry they will figure something out guaranteed.
Following your passion is a way to honor yourself whether others like it or not. You deserve to be happy and if following your bliss brings you that, you are justified in doing so. If you can’t do it full time, then make sure you make place in your busy schedule to spend at least several hours a week doing it.
Some people never express their passion for a variety of reasons. For example if your passion is to be creative and that is not your day job, then you may not feel justified or be able to give up the security of your position or a paycheck to follow your bliss. You may feel inhibited or vulnerable about sharing your passion with others for fear of ridicule or lack of acceptance. Most people want approval or acceptance from family and friends. Since other people are unlikely to feel as strongly about your desires as you do, they may look upon your passion logically and judge it unnecessary or silly. So following your bliss may involve taking a risk and stepping out of your comfort zone.
Only you know how you feel inside so it is important for you to make the decision to follow your passion in spite of what others may say. When we follow our bliss we feel good inside. It brings us joy as well as a sense of accomplishment and a feeling that we had the courage to override our logical mind and listen to our heart’s desires. Sometimes we have to make a choice of quality over quantity in our lives. In the end the joy you get from fulfilling your passion may out weight other considerations.
Frequently the careers or the business we find ourselves in are not a reflection of our true passion. We may be in the family business because it was expected we would carry on in our father’s footsteps whether we wanted to or not. We may have studied a certain course of study in school when we were young because our parents encouraged us to choose something we could make a good living at. We may be in jobs that we choose because we needed the money and several years later we still need the money but in our mind it is still a just a job. We may be in some companies because of the health insurance or other perks. There are a lot of reasons why we are in jobs we dislike and some of these reasons may be justified.
But what about your heart desires? What would you really like to be doing? If you could have your ideal job what would it look like? I would imagine it in as much detail as possible and ask the universe for your wish to come true. You never know what might happen.
The universe hears all our thoughts and requests and if you are very clear about your intentions and seriously want that to manifest in your life, then it will. It is the law of attraction at work. Your thoughts and intentions will attract your desires but make sure you are very clear about what you want exactly.
Another concern you may not know how to translate your current skill set into fulfilling your passion. Many skills are transferable such as good communication skills and are needed ion may professions. If you have a skill that is very specific to your profession, it may not be transferable but just the fact that you have devoted yourself to developing this skill shows me that you have a lot of focus and can develop other skills.
Our life purpose is the desire to share with others the talents, gifts, knowledge and abilities that we have accumulated through many previous lifetimes. Now you may not believe in past lives and even if you do, it is unlikely that you will remember all that you have learnt, although this ability to remember is coming soon. Everything that occurs during any lifetime is stored on the soul forever and this knowledge is always available to us.
When we fulfill our life purpose which is always to serve others in some way, we get what I like to call karmic bonus points that get stored on our soul record so that if you ever need a miracle you have these points available to you. They are like money in the bank for a rainy day.
Our life purpose and our day job may not be the same but it would be great if it was. I am lucky in that my desire to help others coincides with my life purpose. That is why so many people are dissatisfied with their job as it does not fulfill that inner need to serve in some way. This does not prevent us from fulfilling our life purpose. We can either change our career to make it the same as our life purpose or we can fulfill our life purpose outside of the work.
So you may be wondering what is your life purpose? To arrive at this answer, ask yourself what you feel passion it about or what you really like to do. It might be singing, writing, helping others, teaching, or healing in some manner.
If you need assistance to see why you are afraid to own your power and what the benefits might be if you saw yourself as divine, please feel free to contact me. I am available for personal, telephone, and Skype readings, empowerment coaching, regressions, and healing either by responding to this newsletter or calling me at 505 474 6363 or 514 312 2451.
I teach personal and webcam classes if you gather a group of 6 or more people. Choose the class of your choice from the list under Class Descriptions on my website. My 14 online classes, guided meditation CDs and my e-books are available at www.sharoncheney.com.
Gift Certificates are available for birthdays, holidays or other special occasions. Often a reading, coaching session, regression or healing can change a person’s life so if you know of anyone who could use some guidance, this is both a practical and unique gift idea.
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May your life always be filled with love, peace and abundance. Blessings to you all,
Sharon Cheney