July 2018 Knowledge Newsletter


Dear Friends,

Feeling empowered will change your life and bring you inner peace. Becoming empowered can be challenging but the benefits are well worth it. Below are some steps on how to achieve empowerment.


Feeling Empowered


Feeling empowered can be mastered by loving and accepting yourself unconditionally, knowing how you really feel, speaking your truth, standing up for what you believe, not allowing others make decisions for you, trusting your intuition, demanding respect by setting and maintaining your boundaries, not depending on others for love and acceptance, and standing in your power.


One of the most important things to avoid is giving away your power to others. This can occur when you let others tell you what to do, believe others know better than you, allow others to belittle you, remain in toxic relationships because of insecurities or your dependence on others for love.


Losing your confidence or questioning if you are right when others have different opinions or don’t agree. Remember there is not one path that suits everyone. This is where trusting in yourself comes in handy. If you really feel you are on the right path, then you must have the courage to follow your inner knowing.


Allow people to nurture and support you. When you love yourself you will feel you deserve to receive the goodies of life such as love, abundance, nurturing friends, good health, and will be open to receiving love and support from others. Being positive and loving yourself will attract loving supportive people into your life because the Law of Attraction is always at work.


Feeling empowered allows you to stop feeling stressed and anxious because you no longer have to worry about pleasing others or doing what they want in order to be loved. When someone loves you, they should accept you for who you are and not how they want you to be, as that is what love is all about – unconditional acceptance. Worrying about others is non-productive and keeps you from spending your energy on things that will empower you.


Feeling empowered will give you the courage to try new things and enter new relationships because you will feel confident that you will be able to handle yourself no matter the circumstances. You will be able to let go of relationships that no longer serve you or drain your energy.


When you respect yourself, you will get respect from others especially when you make it clear that you will not put up with disrespectful comments and behaviors. Self-respect will change the nature of your relationships with others and you will no longer allow others to demean you, control, manipulate or abuse you in the name of love. You will know when this is happening by the way they make you feel inside.


Feeling empowered means being in touch with who you really are on a soul level. If you are a powerful soul, then there is nothing you can do about it but accept that fact. You will know you are an evolved soul because people will turn to you for help because they see the wisdom and talents in you, whether you recognize them in yourself or not.


Feeling great about yourself means taking care of your body, eating and sleeping well and exercising. Not taking care of your body means you don’t love yourself enough to take care of the only temple you have.


Empowerment means always treating yourself with love and kindness because you deserve it. Treating others this way will also make you feel good and will certainly improve your relationships. You will be more open to receiving because you feel you deserve it.


Feeling empowered makes you more aware of how your actions impact others. You are always responsible for your intentions whether stated or acted upon. I am sure you don’t like when others treat you poorly, but some people give themselves permission to be angry, controlling, manipulative and punitive to those close to them in the name of love. Such behavior usually stems from your own fears, a need to control, a lack of trust, having too high expectations that often go unmet, and unwillingness to address your emotions.


Feeling empowered will improve your health and change your DNA as it has been discovered that DNA is not fixed, but changes with being positive and loving.


When empowered, you will want to know and fulfill your life purpose because it will make you feel good to do so. Remember we are in the midst of a huge shift of consciousness on this planet and every person that adds their positive loving energy helps to shift the tide.


If you have difficulty to feel empowered, please feel free to contact me. I am available for personal, telephone or readings over Skype, relationship coaching, regressions, and healing at any time by clicking on www.sharoncheney.com  calling me at 505 474-6363 or 514 312-2451.


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My latest book Love is the Answer is now on sale at Amazon as an e-book and in paperback. For book descriptions of all books please go to www.sharoncheney.com To purchase, click on: http://geni.us/loveistheanswer


To purchase “Your Soul: The Roadmap to Your Life” book on Amazon,  click on:



To purchase  ”Discover Your Psychic Abilities” book on Amazon, click on this link:

https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field- keywords=discover+your+psychic+abilities+sharon+cheney&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Adiscover+your+psychic+abilities+sharon+cheney



Online classes, guided meditation CD's are available on my website www.sharoncheney.com.


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May your life be filled with peace, love and abundance and showered with blessing throughout the year.


Sharon Cheney

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