June 2014 Knowledge Newsletter
Dear Friends, We all come to a point in our lives where we are asked to have faith in God, in the religions we subscribe to, political leaders, family members, professionals, etc. But what does having faith require and does it benefit us?
Having Faith
Faith is defined as having complete trust or confidence in someone or something. It is a strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion based on spiritual teachings rather than proof. Faith involves believing in a person, a politician, a political party, a cause or a leader without question. Faith can be an allegiance to a duty we believe in or loyalty to a person. Faith can sometimes provide us with the courage to deal with tragedy or serious illness.
While we are often called upon in life to deal with situations on faith, most of us would like to have some kind of assurance. The days of making deals based on a gentleman’s hand shake are long gone. Our faith is sincerely tested just listening to the news that reports on the increasing numbers of incidents involving scammers and computer hackers. Our faith in the government has been badly shaken by the constant scandals, especially the mortgage fiasco in 2008. From these experiences, we are being encouraged not to trust everything we see and hear.
When we do have faith and people go back on their word or agreements, we become angry and disappointed not only in them, but ourselves. We tell ourselves we must have been stupid to believe them or we say “They duped us.” When this occurs, I believe both parties must share in the responsibility.
The person, who has failed to keep their agreements, may have wanted to manipulate us believing they could get away with it or thinking they were smarter than us. They may also have intended to keep their word but circumstances were such that they were unable to.
There are several possibilities why we choose to believe someone on faith. Maybe we were just lazy and did not want to check if this person was in the habit of keeping their agreements. Perhaps this is someone we love and we would like to think they would never lie to us or cheat us in any way, so we chose not to examine their motives as doing so would put in question our belief about how much they love us and who they really are. Most of us would prefer not to question a person’s motives until a time comes when we are faced to do so.
If we allowed someone to take advantage of us in a monetary matter, perhaps we wanted to believe we were getting a good deal or we could make some fast money. Good rule of thumb is “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t.” Perhaps accepting deals such as these speaks to the greed in us.
Often fidelity to one’s promises or a belief in the sincerity of someone’s intentions without question may require a leap of faith on our behalf or the ability to accept someone’s claims with blind faith. While it is good to believe in someone and give them the benefit of the doubt, it may be wise to check to see if they have the skills it takes to succeed in business as money is not all that one needs to be successful.
Faith without doubt, can lead to moral arrogance and the eternal pratfall of the religiously convinced. While I encourage people to follow their religious beliefs, political convictions, and so on, I question giving away our power entirely to a religion, a person or belief system without question. When we fail to question our beliefs whatever they may be, it is like being unwilling to question ourselves. Questioning does not mean we will change our beliefs, and it may even result in our strengthening them. But failure to question them suggests to me that we are afraid to look too deeply for fear we will find something we have previously accepted blindly without question.
I believe it is a good idea to question the beliefs that we were taught as children by our parents, family members, teachers, etc. I suggest doing this not to make your parents or others who brought you up wrong, but to determine whether the beliefs you accepted as children without question still hold true for you for us today.
In personal relationships, we often extend trust to those dear to us. When that trust is broken, we feel devastated, betrayed and angry as well as other unpleasant emotions. We wonder what we did wrong, how could this person do that to us, and we question our ability to see them for who they really are. We often blame the person for hurting or mistreating us.
The long term effect of having such experiences is a continuing lack of trust towards others, especially those in partnership and close relationships. This does not serve us well and may inhibit our ever being happy with someone new. We must understand that as humans we are all capable of a range of deeds that we would never have considered possible. Failing to consider what people are capable off suggests to me that we prefer to live with unrealistic expectations because we want to believe that such things will never happen to us. While having such faith may be reassuring, it does not always serve us well.
Sometimes have a strong faith in someone or something can work in our favor. Our thoughts create our reality and believing strongly that something will happen can bring that very thing into manifestation.
Some people like to make their decisions of what and who to trust based on their intuition. If it feels right, they go for it. While this may go against logic, it is another way to handle decision making or choices. While I admire those who have the courage to lead their life in this manner, there is no guarantee your intuition will work out one hundred percent of the time.
Often it is difficult to maintain our faith because we live in a world of sceptics and others that say “Show me the proof if you want me to believe you.” They need to see proof because they have no faith of their own. Also if you are unable to prove your point with logic or concrete proof, the only things they can understand, they say you are a fool to believe in faith.
Faith for some people involves believing others have more power than they do and results in their giving away their power to others. Many people have trouble owning their own power and readily give it away to others to make decisions for them because they believe they lack the knowledge or ability required or they just don’t want to make decisions and the take consequences that ensue.
When someone we care about is seriously ill and we want them to recover, we count on our faith in God, a Higher Power or our religious beliefs to help us through a difficult time. Having faith is understandable when we have nothing more to go on and the doctors have done all that they can do. If the person dies, it may cause us to question our faith in God, Jesus or whoever we believe in. We may feel God has forsaken us even though we have been a firm believer for years. Some people may be angry enough to abandon their beliefs because they felt that God or whoever was not listening or honoring their faith.
When someone dies, it is the choice of their soul to remain in a body or not. People who have had near death experiences will tell you it was their choice to return to earthly existence or not. We need to be clear on what we can and cannot do with faith. So it is best not to throw away your faith so readily if the outcome you desired did not come to pass.
Each of us has the opportunity to decide in what we should put our faith. But whatever our choices, we must take responsibility for the choices we made should our faith be shaken when things do not turn out as we expected. I believe as adults we should question situations, not because we have no trust, but because it might be a wise thing to do and it just might save us some grief further down the road. So I leave it up to each of you to decide where you stand on the question of faith.
If you need assistance to understand your decisions on faith, please feel free to contact me. I am available for personal, telephone and Skype readings, empowerment coaching, regressions, and healing either by responding to this newsletter or calling 505 474 6363 or 514 312 2451.
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May your life always be filled with love, peace and abundance.
Sharon Cheney