October 2021 Knowledge Newsletter
Dear Friends,
With the advent of covid, many of us have found our financial situation has changed. This provides an opportunity for us to consider what prosperity means to us.
A New Definition of Prosperity
What does prosperity mean to you? Does it provide safety, a fear of going without, do you worry that you will not be looked upon as success in the eyes of your family or society if you have less, will you consider yourself a failure if you cannot meet your family’s needs?
Not that long ago, it seemed rational to have material wealth as a measure of prosperity. People who promoted methods for manifesting prosperity, such as teachings about the Law of Attraction, used images of material wealth as the goal. The ultimate goal was a large home filled with the latest technology necessary for one's comfort.
Lots of people bought into this dream, often making purchases far beyond their financial means. The economy seemed to flourish as consumers on whom our economy depends, acted as if they were wealthy when they weren't. When the economy tanked in 2008, people were left with lots of stuff coupled with burdensome debt. Many lost their jobs and had no cushion to fall back on.
Now there is an effort to pull us out of the recession by stimulating consumer spending, as if our acquisition of material goods is what we all need to bring our economy back to health.
The time has come to create a new definition of prosperity, one based not on individual material wealth, but on the health and well-being of society and how all of us interact with each other. A definition of prosperity would include a measure of peace of mind, the kind that comes from living within your means and having a financial cushion.
Prosperity is not about how much you have to spend or generating a huge income, but about how you can live your life supporting your values and increasing the amount of love and happiness in your life and the world.
This kind of definition would contribute to paying attention to the amount of anger, disagreement, and violence that appear daily through our new media. Perhaps we could take money out of our politics and replace endless disagreements with honest cooperation and respect for each other.
It has to start with loving and respecting ourselves. Take a long hard look at what you're craving now and ask if what you seek is truly in tune with who you are and what matters to you. Do you want to spend your days feeling anxious, always wanting more, or are you willing to take a chance, let go and allow abundance to come to you? If you are, then your focus can be unconditional love, giving, sharing, and trusting. You can love and care for yourself and others and work for the establishment of a healthy society.
There are many people for whom a high-powered life is comfortable and natural. They thrive by building big businesses and working at a fast and furious pace, and they often have a gift for sales and marketing. We need these people to grease the wheels of capitalism. But if that's not who you are, then respect yourself and find a personal definition of prosperity that fits who you are and how you want to spend your energy.
Visualize how you would like your life to be and see yourself in that life. This results in your living in the present, instead of in the future, and in being in integrity with yourself instead of continually trying to fulfill society’s version of success. It is an opportunity to try out your manifesting skills and trust by asking and visualizing what you want and then sitting back and see what happens.
If you are having difficulty overcoming dealing with prosperity issues and need assistance, please feel free to contact me. I am available for personal, telephone or readings over Skype by appointment by clicking on www.sharoncheney.com or calling me at 505 474-6363 or 514 312-2451.
My books “Love is the Answer: How to Love Yourself, Improve Your Relationships and Find Inner Peace”, “Your Soul: The Roadmap to Your Life” and “Discover Your Psychic Abilities" are available on Amazon in e-book and print formats and have 5* ratings. My online classes and guided meditations can help you grow spiritually and personally. They are available on my website. www.sharoncheney.com.
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May your life be filled with peace, love and abundance and showered with blessing throughout the year.
Sharon Cheney